April, 2012


Bandstand Launch At Music Show


A.M.A Music Agency's new App for artists launched at The Hotpress Music Show last weekend. Bandstand is a new and unique concept that enables artists and bands to take control of all sides of their output, music, merchandising or ticket sales, in one handy Facebook and mobile app. Bandstand received much interest from musicians and industry professionals throughout the weekend, with support from such artists as Aslan, Steve Wall, Bipolar Empire, Royseven, Red Empire, Rebecca Storm to name but a few.

The new music app for mobile and Social media was demonstrated by the AMA Music Agency crew, (Mark Downing, Fraser McAlister, Vinny Ryan, Elaine McCann) with presentations from Mark Downing (Director AMA Music Agency), Freddie Middleton (Independent PR and Music Industry Professional) and Wayne Sheehy (Producer, Composer, Drummer with legendary Ronnie Wood).

Aslan Testimonial

“Bandstand has really helped Aslan to engage with our fans. It has helped us increase our ticket and digital sales. We are really looking forward

to the release of our new album, and selling through Facebook will help us to expand our fan base even further.
Bandstand is the Future.” …. Billy Mc Guinness Aslan

Features of Bandstand App include:

• Music sales via Facebook
• Showcase for music, video and photos
• Ticket sales for live shows
• Realtime customer data
• Live gigs calendar
• International promotion
• Twitter feeds
• Share buttons for all social media

Ham Sandwich Testimonial

“Our Bandstand Is a great way to directly offer our Fans deals on Downloads, Vinyl, T-Shirts & Tickets. It has helped us to build and talk

directly to our Fanbase – it’s really working for us ” – Ollie, HamsandwicH

Bipolar Empire Testimonial

“Bandstand have really helped Bipolar Empire in so many ways. They help get out music out all across the world as well as photo's and video's. Bandstand is great for touring as well, when Bipolar Empire played South America and Russia Bandstand helped publicize everything that was going on in the Empire”… Callum McAdam – Drummer 

To get your Bandstand App today , Visit Bandstand.ie




Bandstand is a unique music platform for artists. Bandstand gives artists the ability to sell through music through the means of Facebook

and mobile apps. This innovative solution allows artists to showcase, sell and share their music, videos, tickets and merchandise directly to their fans. This in turn dramatically increased interaction with your audience, hence expanding your fanbase, allows increased exposure and growth in new revenue streams.

See how bandstand can work for you…

  • Facebook App
  • Grow your Fanbase
  • Your fans can post and share your store on their own wall through “Like” and “Share features
  • Share your store on

    Facebook, Twitter, Stumble Upon, Google , and many more

  • Your profile will be featured on Bandstand.ie and across our network of sites.
  • You can offer fans exclusive downloads, tickets, etc
  • Mobile App
  • Media Player
  • Store
  • Gig Calendar
  • Messaging
  • Share App Button
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    AMA Music Marketing


    AMA Music Agency offers an effective service. AMA Music Agency understands that music and brands go hand in hand, and what better way to source artists then from a reputable Irish company, who stands by and supports these talented Irish artists.

    We understand the importance of branding, and social media. Creating effective campaigns is not just a strategy but a method of survival in this dynamic industry and we have the ability to engage with your audience and potential suppliers. We at AMA Music Agency are highly proactive in our approach to branding and offer immediate advice upon request.

    For more information of this hugely beneficial service click on the link

    Exclusive & Direct Talent roster to work with brands
    Branded music tours
    Unique Facebook

    Music branding on line and at live events
    Content licensing, broadcasting, webcasting
    Digital, mobile, and social media campaign development
    Unique downloading products and ideas to work alongside brands
    Event production and hospitality
    Insider music industry knowledge
    Strategy and planning
    Creative concepts with design to fit your brand or product
    Full production from logistics, staging, video etc.
    Analysis – post campaign feedback and statistics

    The potential is huge, let’s talk and make things happen!

    Call us now on 353 1 201 3660 or email us [email protected] for advice on promoting your brand with AMA Music Marketing.








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    Post Image

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