AMA Music Agency Talent Festivals

The world of festivals is full of fun and crazy stand-out ideas, and those organisers & coordinators that think outside of the box, with a one-step-ahead kind of attitude are usually the ones to draw in the biggest crowd. In today’s world we are more than ever attracted to the weird and wonderful and are continuously seeking a new, unique experience and therefore a festival not only needs to provide top-class musical entertainment such as the groovy Ryan Sheridan and Irish legends Aslan but also offer the alternative Silent Headphone Disco & Digital Poi Dancers to appeal to the people of the present.
Our Top 7 Unique Ideas for Festivals features some of the craziest, nuttiest and awe-striking festival performance acts just like the globe trotting Daft Punk Tribute DJs as well as the incredibly current hip hop groups who will all in their own way colour your event in many different shades, avoiding everything grey and mundane.

Festivals can offer you extraordinary experiences and also help foreigners to get to know a new country and meet, dance, laugh & mingle with the Islanders, so for the visitors to Ireland give them a first class Irish band or exclusive Irish artiste who’ll undoubtedly produce a one-of-a-kind escapade for everyone attending

These are the acts to add to your line up in 2017:

Ryan Sheridan

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Daft Punk Tribute

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Silent Disco Ireland

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Robot Networks

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Digital Fire Art

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Hip Hop Package from AMA


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Craic Appeal

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Loud Motive

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Crowds will swarm toward your pitch to watch the Star Wars clan take on the dark side, or mimic the body-popping dance moves of our 9 feet tall all interactive humanoid Robot-TED.
And with the beloved tunes of Daft Punk our tribute DJs will keep the festival goers gambolling until the very last beat has been played. So it’s definitely worth taking a look at the brand new and innovative performers of AMA Music Agency such as the mentioned and many more.

Check into our Facebook Page to keep up to date with everything contemporary discovered and represented by us.
For booking information & details simply drop us a line via [email protected]

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